Operational Permit Program

Our goals

Improve public health by reducing the potential for the spread of disease brought on by waterborne pathogens.

How we achieve our goals

Inventory, monitoring, and management of HSTS through operational permits. Educate the public and provide financial assistance in the form of grants and loans for systems needing immediate attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Septic Systems


Montana Boy Found Dead in Septic Tank
Water cited as culprit in island illness; bacterial contamination sickened 1,400


Web Sites for Well Information
Non Point Source Water Pollution
Storm Water and Your Community
Septic System Maintenance
Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems
Managing Septic Tank / Mound Systems
Fecal-Oral Pathogens in Water
Glossary of Terms
The High Price of Ignorance
Landscaping Options for Onsite Systems
Well Abandonment Regulations
Properly Sealing Unused Wells
What is Non-point Source Pollution?
How To Keep Your Water "Well"
Maintaining Your Septic System-A Guide for Homeowners
Basic Wastewater Characteristics
Inspections Equal Preventative Care For Onsite Systems
A Homeowner's Guide To Onsite System Regulations
Water Softener Use Raises Questions for System Owners
Water Softener Backwash and Homeowner Onsite Systems
Drainfield Rehabilitation
Planning For An Onsite System/Keeping your Property System-Safe
Offensive Odors Don't Always Mean Septic System Failure
Household Hazards-What's a Safe Alternative for Household cleaning
Drainfield Inspection-Does My Drainfield Ever Need to be Inspected?
Soil Characteristics - Demystifying Dirt
Eradicating Straight Pipes and Failed Systems in Kentucky
Survey of local health departments
Watertight Tanks