Program Highlights
- A baby’s early experiences are the building blocks that create the foundation for his or her future successes in life.
- HMG Home Visiting is a voluntary family support program for pregnant women and new parents that strives to cultivate and strengthen nurturing parent-child relationships as well as promote healthy growth and development for babies and young children.
- Our home visitors partner with you, the parent, to provide caring support and reliable information on topics that matter to you and your baby.
- We help you access the information and resources that can support the physical and emotional health of your baby and the entire family.
- We can also make referrals to community agencies, assist with Medicaid applications and more as needed.
- Utilize the Healthy Families America Model
- Miami County Public Health’s Help Me Grow Home Visiting Program was recognized as the 2017-2018 Local Implementing Agency of the Year for Region 2 by the Ohio Department of Health, Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
If you or anyone you know is interested in finding out more about the HMG Home Visiting program​
- Ohio HMG phone #: 1-800-755-GROW (4769)
- Ohio HMG Facebook: OhioHelpMeGrow
- Ohio HMG Twitter: @OhioHelpMeGrow
- MCPH phone number: 937-573-3518