Services provided by Appointment Only. Please call 937-573-3518 for an appointment. Due to COVID19 only one patient at a time will be allowed except in the case of a minor - one custodial adult may come in with one child. Face coverings are recommended and encouraged.
Miami County Public Health (MCPH) offers vaccines through our immunization clinic. Our caring and compassionate nurses have years of experience and are the experts in immunizations for infants, children, teens and adults of all ages. The MCPH immunization clinic accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances.
Children in the United States routinely get vaccines that protect them from more than a dozen vaccine-preventable diseases. To learn more about these, please visit Vaccines for Your Children | CDC
Most of these diseases are now at their lowest levels in history, thanks to years of immunization. To schedule an appointment please call 937-573-3518.
Adults should receive certain immunizations throughout their life. Whether it is an annual flu shot, a tetanus booster, or a shingles vaccine, adult immunizations can help you stay healthy. To schedule an appointment please call 937-573-3518.
Whenever you travel outside the United States, you may come into contact with different diseases based on the countries you are visiting. Protect yourself and your community by getting vaccinated before you travel. Please call for a consultation appointment at 937-573-3518.