Safe Communities of Miami County was created to establish a partnership of individuals from the local health department, law enforcement, parks district, county engineers, schools, businesses and community organizations to collaborate; creating awareness and prevention of death and injuries caused by traffic crashes.
The coalition works to reduce the number of traffic related deaths and injuries in Miami County through initiatives involving education, enforcement and engineering on the following areas
- Increase seat belt usage & awareness
- Increase impaired driving awareness
- Increase motorcycle safety awareness
- Decrease impaired driving
- Decrease distracted driving activity
Safe Communities works together with the community to promote traffic safety and program goals through activities including blitzes, fatal crash reviews, statistical analysis and increasing traffic safety countermeasures.
3-Year Fatal Report
Coalition Members
- AAA Miami County
- Care Source
- Covington Police Department
- Dick Lumpkins Auto Body
- Miami County Communication Center
- Miami County Parks District
- Miami County Public Health
- Miami County Sherriff’s Office
- ODOT Miami County
- Ohio State Highway Patrol
- Piqua Police Department
- State Farm
- Tipp City Police Department
- Tri-County Board of Recovery & Mental Health Services
- Troy Fire Prevention Bureau
- Troy Police Department
- West Milton Police Department
- 4 Joey
- Miami County citizens, families, parents with traffic safety concerns
The Coalition meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM. New Members are always welcome!
The Safe Communities coalition designs activities and awareness around national traffic campaigns tied to holidays where data shows an increase in traffic crashes and fatalities.
- Click It or Ticket
- Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
- Buckle Up America, Every Trip, Every Time
- Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving
- Stay Alive! don’t TXT & drive
- Look out for Motorcycles
- Share the Road with Motorcycles
The Ohio Department of Public Safety introduced the Safe Communities program to help communities
- Decrease traffic injuries
- Increase safety awareness
- Decrease the amount of money spent on traffic-related injuries
- Increase the number of people involved in keeping communities safe
Funded by U.S. DOT/NHTSA and ODPS/OTSO