Cribs For Kids

Program Highlights

Miami County Public Health (MCPH) is partnering with the Ohio Depratment of Health to participate in the Cribs for Kids Program. With this program, MCPH staff will be able to promote safe sleep for infants by providing parents with safe sleep education. Qualified families will receive a free Pack n Play.

Every week in Ohio, 3 babies die in unsafe sleep environments. This program is being implemented to help reduce the risk to babies due to unsafe sleep conditions. The best way to provide a safe sleep environment for a baby is for them to sleep Alone, on their Back and in a safety approved Crib.


To be eligible for the program, the mother must be at least 32 weeks pregnant or parent a baby under 1 year of age. The mother must be WIC eligible and be the parent or legal guardian.


For more information on the Cribs for Kids program contact MCPH Nursing at 937-573-3522 or email

Helpful Links

Cribs for Kids