Program Highlights
Miami County Public Health (MCPH) is partnering with Department of Children and Youth to participate in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program. With this program, MCPH staff will be able to provide participants individualized counseling cessation sessions to receive education and support for quitting tobacco and staying quit.
Each participant is tested with an in clinic hand-held carbon monoxide (CO) monitor or saliva swab at each visit. When tobacco-free, participants qualify to receive a $50.00 gift card for baby department items. These vouchers can be earned during prenatal session 3 and 4, and at all postpartum sessions after baby is born.
Eligibility Requirements:
36 weeks pregnant or less
A current tobacco user (including vape devices), quit since becoming pregnant, or quit within 3 months of becoming pregnant
*There are no income restrictions!!!
For more information contact Charity Toon at, 937-573-3524.