The risk for injury during and after a tornado or other natural disaster is high. Prompt first aid can help heal small wounds and prevent infection.
If you receive scratches or any type of puncture wound, you should be evaluated for a tetanus immunization and should seek the expertise of your family doctor or other health care professional to determine whether a tetanus booster is necessary.
Miami County Public Health (MCPH) offers vaccines through our immunization clinic including Hepatitis A and Tetanus Boosters. The clinic is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM with extended hours the first Thursday of each month until 6:30 PM. To schedule an appointment please call 937-573-3518 or 937-573-3519.
MCPH Nursing Clinic
If you are working on cleanup around your home, be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water. Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
After natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, excess moisture and standing water contribute to the growth of mold in homes and other buildings. When returning to a home that has been flooded, be aware that mold may be present and may be a health risk for your family.
To remove mold growth from hard surfaces use commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of household laundry bleach in 1 gallon of water. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions for use (see product label). Use a stiff brush on rough surface materials such as concrete.
Heat Related Illness Information
MCPH Environmental Health Division
Mosquitoes can develop in standing water that is left 7 to 10 days. Many types of containers that can collect standing water may be left over from the storm. Water should be dumped from these containers or the containers removed.
Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents. Such as DEET, Picardin or lemon-eucalyptus oil. Always follow the directions on the label. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
The best way to prevent tickborne diseases is to prevent tick bites. In Ohio, tickborne illnesses are most often transmitted between early spring and late fall since ticks are most active during warm months.
Take action to decrease your risk of infection: protect against tick bites, check for ticks, remove ticks as soon as you can, and watch for symptoms.
Mosquito Bite Prevention Information Tick Bite Prevention Information
MCPH Environmental Health Division
937-573-3504 Water Well and Septic System Issues
Many of the homes in Miami County that were damaged or destroyed in the Memorial Day storms were on septic systems and wells.
If your home was destroyed or is going to be demolished it is important that you protect your well and septic system from damage during the demolition and reconstruction of your home. Heavy equipment traveling over the septic tank or leaching area could damage the system. If possible, we suggest that you place caution tape around this areas so that contractors will not damage your systems.
MCPH Environmental Health Division
If you need assistance in obtaining a certified copy of your birth certificate that may have been destroyed or damaged in the storms, please contact the MCPH Vital Statistics Office for more information at 937-573-3500.
The Miami County Department of Development is expediting any permits needed due to tornado damage. They are also working with the local power companies to allow the onsite linemen to reconnect services “as needed” without a permit as long as there are no visible signs of a hazard. (Tree fell on lines, meter pulled off house, etc).
The Miami County Recorder's Office will be offering free copies of deeds to homeowners who incurred direct and substantial damage caused by the tornadoes that impacted areas in Miami County, including: Potsdam, Laura, Ludlow Falls and West Milton.
Property deeds may be needed to establish proof of ownership that is necessary to obtain financial resources, make insurance claims or to obtain repairs.
Deeds may be obtained in person by visiting the Miami County Recorder's Office at 201 W. Main Street, Troy, Ohio 45373. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Deeds may also be obtained by emailing or by calling 937-440-6040.
For any other Public Health related issues, please contact our general number at 937-573-3500.