Birth and Death Records

Birth Certificates

Our office issues certified birth certificates for anyone born in the state of Ohio. Our records date back to December 20, 1908.  Out of state births must be requested directly from that state. Our certificates are $24 each and can be requested by mail, telephone order or in person by visiting our office Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. We accept cash, check, money order, MC, Visa, Discover and American Express. 


Borderless Birth Certificate        $24.00

Certified Birth Certificate            $24.00

Application for Birth Record

Death Certificates

Miami County Public Health can issue certified death certificates for deaths that occur in Miami County. 


Certified Birth Certificate      $24.00

Burial Permit                          $3.00

Application for Death Record

Death Certificates and Social Security Numbers

As of October 15, 2015, for the first five years after the date of death the social security number of the deceased will not be included on the death certificate unless the requestor is

  • The deceased’s spouse or lineal descendant
  • The deceased executor, attorney or legal agent
  • A representative of investigative government agency
  • A private investigator
  • A funeral director (or agent responsible for disposition of the body) acting on behalf of the deceased’s family
  • A Veterans Service office

You must attach a copy of your identification showing you are an authorized requestor along with a copy of a valid driver’s license.

Paternity Acknowledgement

Paternity Acknowledgement: a legal document that lets unmarried parents name the natural father and establish paternity for the child. Both parents sign the affidavit, in the presence of a public notary and completing the form is voluntary. Only the natural parents should sign the affidavit. If you are unsure who the natural father is, don’t sign it. Establishing paternity by DNA testing might be a better option.


Notary: Our employees have Ohio Notary Commissions and are available to notarize documents free of charge. We reserve the right to refuse this service if proper identification is not available or if the document has been improperly completed. Service is at the discretion of the Notary on duty.


Genealogy Research: Our staff is available for searches during working hours. However, extensive searches are conducted as time allows. We do accept requests for research through the mail and will return information requested as soon as time allows. No copies of documents are issued. If you require a legal document, a State certified certificate will be issued.

Child Fatality Review Board

Annually the Child Fatality Review Board reviews the deaths of all children under the age of 18 who are residents of Miami County. The Board's purpose is to reduce the incidence of preventable child deaths. This is accomplished by identifying those deaths that could have been prevented and identifying strategies that would help prevent the next such death from happening.

Contact Information

Phone: 937-573-3500